See this page for talks and posters given by the group.
Teaching Resources
Here we’ve included a bunch of teaching resources from Peter and Andy (and others) in the group, including classes and workshops we have taught in the past.
Peter’s classes
Advanced Biological Statistics, a two-quarter graduate-level statistics course at UO that covers many advanced statistical topics, including Bayesian methods using Stan, from a nonmathematical point of view. In R, slides in Rmarkdown.
- website: uo-biostats.github.io/UO_ABS/
- github: github.com/UO-Biostats/UO_ABS
Applied Mathematics, an first-year graduate course in (an eclectic subset of) applied mathematics, with a heavy focus on stochastic processes (and applications).
Population Biology, a short (three-week) introduction course at UO on modeling population dyanmics, using python (in jupyter notebooks).
- github: github.com/petrelharp/popbio
Probability Theory, the second quarter of a first-year graduate course in probability theory.
Introduction to Statistics for Biologists, taught as BISC 305 at USC around 2015.
- Slides and examples on github: github.com/petrelharp/bisc305
Andy’s classes
Computational Genetics, an undergraduate course at UO taught as Bio 399. This course aims to introduce upper level biology students to fundemental concepts in computational biology and genetics using a hands-on, code workshop context. Topics covered include population growth, sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree construction, clustering, dimensionality reduction, simulation, and supervised machine learning.
- github: github.com/andrewkern/bio399
Scientific Programming, a short (three-week) introduction course at UO on using the python scientific programing stack
- github: github.com/andrewkern/bio610
stdpopsim: adding species workshop, taught by Andy in March 2021, this workshop was aimed at potential contributors to the stdpopsim project and guiding folks through the process of adding a species to the stdpopsim catalog